Born in Budapest (Hungary). Studied philosophy at the Budapest University of Sciences.
PHD 1959, DrSc (Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences) 1969. Member of the
editorial board of ‚World Marxist Review’ (Prague) 1961-1971. From 1972 full professor of
philosophy at the Institute of Political Studies, Budapest. In 1992 visiting professor at the
University of Siena, Italy. From 1982 to 2006 committee member of the International Society
for Dialectical Philosophy – Societas Hegeliana, later named the International Hegel-MarxSociety
for Dialectical Thinking. He is publishing philosophical works since 1954. His
research is focused on theory of knowledge, problems of dialectic, history of philosophy,
contemporary philosophy. He is concerned with the categories of rationality and historicity,
the concept of philosophical knowledge in theoretical and historical context, he published
studies on Leibniz, Kant, Schelling, Hegel, Feuerbach, Nietzsche, idealism in the 19th and
20th century, the structure and main currents of contemporary philosophy, the Frankfurt
School, modernity and postmodernity. His writings appeared in German, English, Italian,
Russian, Spanish, Greek, Portuguese, Czech, Slovak, Polish, Japanese, Korean. Books in
German: ‚Der entfremdete Marx’ (Berlin and Frankfurt am Main, 1971) ; ‚Philosophie der
Krise’ (Berlin and Frankfurt am Main, 1978); ‚Philosophie und „Nicht-Philosophie“ nach
Hegel. Studien zum Streitfall Dialektik’ (Essen, 2002). Book published in English: ‚Crisis
Consciousness in Contemporary Philosophy’ (1982). Monographs appeared in English: ‚The
Historical Character of the Concept of Nature’ (in: Nature, Society, and Thought, 1, no. 1,
1987); ‚The Contemporary Attack on Science’ (in: ibidem); 3, no. 2, 1990); Gramsci’s Path
through the Tension between „Absolute Historicism“ and Materialist Dialectic’ (ibidem, 6,
no. 1, 1993); ‚Why Marx or Nietzsche?’ (in: ibidem, 11, no. 3, 1998); Marxism in Philosophy
- Philosophy in Marxism’ (in: Diverse Perspectives on Marxist Philosophy / East and West.
Westport, Conn./London, 1995); ‚Rationality, History, Philosophy: On the Origins of the
Concept of Post-History’ (in: Reason, Universality, and History: Standpoints on the European
Intellectual Tradition. New York/Ottawa/Toronto, 2004). Essays published in Portuguese: ‚O
Problema Hegel na Discussão Filosofica Actual do Marxismo’ (in: Marx e Hegel (Marx e o
„caso Hegel“. Lisboa, 1985); ‚O idealismo na filosofia burguesa tardia – sua ambiguidade e
predominância’ (in: Filosofia, Historia, Conhecimento. Homenagem a Vasco de Magalhães-
Vilhena. Lisboa, 1990); ‚O marxismo na filosofia – a filosofia no marxismo’ (in: Vértice, no.
82, 1998).
(zdroj životopisu: http://www.hegel-marx2009.ul.pt/documentos_hegel/bionote/andras_gedo_bionote.pdf)
András Gedö knihy
1985 | Krízové vedomie a filozofia |
1972 | Odcizený Marx |
Štítky z knih
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