Folia Heyrovskyana, Supplement 5: The Liatongus Species with Moveable Clypeal Horn diskuze
Jan Farkač , Jiří Rejsek , David Král

Folia Heyrovskyana série
5. díl
Folia Heyrovskyana, Supplement 5: The Liatongus Species with Moveable Clypeal Horn (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) / Checklist of the Genus Leistus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Nebriini) from China with Description of Twenty-Three New Species. Contains two articles: --- The Liatongus Species with Moveable Clypeal Horn (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) Currently the genus Liatongus Reitter, 1892 contains the following five species with moveable clypeal horn: L. ancorifer sp. n. (China: Yunnan prov.), L. appositicornis sp. n. (China: Gansu prov.), L. clypeocornis Scheuern, 1988 (Bhutan), L. hastatus sp. n. (Nepal) and L. triacanthus (Bouccommon, 1920) (Sikkim, Darjeeling; first record for China: Xizang here given). Diagnostic characters including parameres of the three newly described species are illustrated. The female of L. triacanthus is described for the first time. A table with characters separating Liatongus species with a moveable clypeal horn from each other is given. The taxonomic position of the species closely related to L. triacanthus, distinctive defensive behaviour and potential necrophagy are discussed. --- Checklist of the Genus Leistus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Nebriini) from China with Description of Twenty-Three New Species Twenty-three new species of the genus Leistus Froehlig, 1799, belonging to subgenus Evanoleistus Jedlička, 1967, all from China, are described and illustrated: L. (E.) labrang sp. n. from Gansu, L. (E.) houzhenzi sp. n., L. (E.) janatai sp. n., L. (E.) jindrai sp. n. and L. (E.) kociani sp. n. from Shaanxi, L. (E.) bohdan sp. n., L. (E.) hongyuanicus sp. n., L. (E.) moskvich sp. n., L. (E.) nanping sp. n., L. (E.) podsmetankou sp. n., L. (E.) sergeii sp. n., L. (E.) subuliformis sp. n., L. (E.) zoige sp. n. from Sichuan, L. (E.) tryznai sp. n. from Tibet and L. (E.) baima sp. n., L. (E.) becvari sp. n., L. (E.) cangshanicola sp. n., L. (E.) habashanicola sp. n., L. (E.) hengduanicola sp. n., L. (E.) inexspectatus sp. n., L. (E.) murzini sp. n., L. (E.) toledanoi sp. n. and L. (E.) zhongdianus sp. n. from Yunnan. In addition, L. (E.) pseudocrenifer Sciaky, 1995, L. (E.) reflexus Semenov, 1889 and L. (E.) yunnanus Banninger, 1925 are illustrated, new distributional data of L. (Leistus) businskyi Dvořák, 1994, L. (Evanoleistus) gansuensis Sciaky, 1995, L. (E.) jani Farkač, 1995, L. (E.) klarae Farkač, 1995, L. (E.) kubani Farkač, 1993, L. (E.) langmusianus Farkač, 1995 and L. (E.) pseudocrenifer Sciaky, 1995 are presented. A checklist of Leistus species from China with distribution, the type locality and depositing of the holotype are presented and habitus photographs for 56 species of Leistus are provided.... celý text