Folia Heyrovskyana, Supplement 11: Revision of the Neotropical Dung Beetle Genus Oxysternon hodnocení
W. D. Edmonds , Jiří Zídek

Folia Heyrovskyana série
< 11. díl >
Folia Heyrovskyana, Supplement 11: Revision of the Neotropical Dung Beetle Genus Oxysternon (Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Phanaeini). This paper reviews the two subgenera and eleven species comprising the Neotropical genus Oxysternon Laporte, 1840. Included are generic, subgeneric and species diagnoses, an illustrated key to species, and distribution maps. All the reviewed species are shown on 77 colour photographs showing their sexual dimorfism or variability.... celý text
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