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Charles Bukowski

V jedné putyce jsem se ptal týpka, jestli četl Bukowskýho a on na to : " Jasně, to jsou ty prasečinky. " To záleží na tom, na co se člověk při četbě zaměří. Pro mě výborná literatura, kterou jen tak něco nepřejebe.

Revolution sounds very romantic, you know, but it ain't. it's blood and guts and madness; it's little kids killed who get in the way, it's little kids who don't understand what the fuck is going on. it's your whore, your wife ripped in the belly with a bayonet and then raped in the a** while you watch. it's men torturing men who used to laugh at Mickey Mouse cartoons.

CHARLES BUKOWSKI, Notes of a Dirty Old Man
