Xtine Petit přehled

Xtine Petit
https://www.databazeknih.cz/img/books/44_/442028/bmid_xtine-petit-ZsH-442028.png 0 0 0

In this book French photographer Petit, who now lives in Berlin, experiments with shadows and her body, mostly in black and white photography. „The image that a person projects, like a stream of light that shoots out from the borderland of shadows, in there lie the moments, no past and therefore no future. What is the present? It is the fruition of the traces of some locations, some kind of memories that a person doesn’t want to forget, maybe it is something like a log-book. And isn’t life something like this? My life.“... celý text

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Štítky knihy

černobílé fotografie

Autorovy knížky

Christine Petit
francouzská, 1969
2001  0%Xtine Petit
Skrýt reklamy