I Will Fight Through! Štefánik recenze

I Will Fight Through! Štefánik
https://www.databazeknih.cz/img/books/42_/428039/bmid_i-will-fight-through-stefanik-FDh-428039.jpg 5 48 48

Per aspera ad astra Through adversity to the stars Milan Rastislav Štefánik was great not only for the Slovaks, but also for the Czechs and the French. A virtuoso in life and death, a magnificent example of a man who in every act surpassed himself. A man who went to the very limits of his strength to pursue his dream despite pain and adversity. The liberation of the Slovak nation was a work worthy of the measure of this man. His life was a composite of enormous faith, iron will and noble love for his nation. In everyone there is a will to fly to the stars, but few manage to reach them. Only those whose desire is greatest can achieve this. While those lacking faith perished in the glow of street lamps, Štefánik managed to reach the stars. Translated from the Slovak original Prebijem sa! Štefánik. Muž železnej vôle (an imprint of IKAR, a.s., 2018) by James Sutherland-Smith.... celý text

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