Saturnin recenze

Saturnin 5 7791 7791

Zdeněk Jirotka's famous humorous novel was first published in 1942 and since then there has been more than 15 Czech editions. Over sixty years later, English-speaking readers can become acquainted with Jirotka's novel, whose main hero is the legendary faithful servant Saturnin, fighting with aunt Kateřina and her son Milouš. The book is accompanied by original colour illustrations by the Czech painter Adolf Born.... celý text

Nenadchne, či baví? Mě rozhodně... 4 z 5 Víla_z_louky

Česká klasika, která jednoho nenadchne a druhého baví. Já patřím do té druhé skupiny. Líbil se mi humor, svižný děj, prostředí a samozřejmě postavy. ...celý text recenze