beruna23 profil

Hildegarda Salinas
žena · Jihočeský kraj · statistiky
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Kdo jsem
telefonni cislo: 722 081 223ICQ: 1032667skype: beruna_23email: extremerave --- comettribe ---(b)iogeneticaly.(e)ngeneered.(r)eplicant.(u)nit.for.(n)ight.(a)ssasinations--- 29.8.2k7-20.10.2k3 --- RAVENUN ------ gejsha - ta, ktera trpi vtipem--- tanecnice, z rodu dervisu (dancer, from dervish)--- tekkena --- kurtyzana --- teknokratka --- berlina--- dimensions smugglernevylezla sem z oceanu a nejim banany,narodila jsem se vesmiru i dont shuck out of ocean and i dont eat banane, i born from/for universumchci jit az tam, kde mizi smysl slovi want to go where it disappears meaning of the wordscool books -*-*- Zakulisi chaosu (Les arcanes du chaos) -- Maximell Chattam --- alternative utopie from 21.century-*-*- Kyberia -- Douglas Rushkoff --- alternative in 80year/20.century-*-*- Acid Test -- Tom Wolf --- alternative trippreport in 60year/20.century-*-*- Last go round -- Ken Kessey & Babbs --- first/last alternative western "when i read"czech alternative book from 20.century-*-*- A bude hur(J.Pelc) -- o punkacich-*-*- Sestra(J.Topol) --- o mafii-*-*- Pera, peri, perute(I.Pekarkova) -- o stopovani i like william burroughs, ken kessey, henry miller, boris vian, carolyn cassady--- antonio damasio - about neurology&emotions--- frantisek koukolik - about neurology&neuropathology--- timothy leary - about interpersonal psychology--- mirko fryba/abhidhamma - about hight-technology-mind psychologie