Lavran profil
Luděk Čertík
1989 · muž · Jihočeský kraj · statistiky · web
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“[God's] words do not rain down like rocks on those he speaks to;
they mount up with wings or leap through brambles or swim blackly in
ponds. They sleep hainging from trees, stomachs full of hunted insects,
or grow tall and imperious and leafy in the forest. Many, if not most,
of his words hope never to be heard—rooting blindly throught their
dirt-homes or proliferating on the tops of mountains, they are dismayed
when they are discovered, and rush away. His words are not repetitive:
the only thing his words have in common with each other is that they
are strange and they are themselves—they move on their own, through
gutters and caves and swamps and the sky, and some of his words, when
they get tired of hearing his name over and over, and wish to hear him
speak, escape out the back door, like ferrets, like me.” ― Amy Leach, Things That Are: Encounters with Plants, Stars and Animals