Dietary Guidelines in the Czech Republic zajímavosti

Dietary Guidelines in the Czech Republic 0 0 0

This book consists of two sections. Section One, chapters 1 to 9, consider detailed description of methodical steps which led - as a background - to setting of dietary guidelines in the Czech Republic. Chapter 10 is devoted to several examples of guideline implementation, both „in toto" and „per partes". Chapter 11 discusses the ideas about possible approaches and strategy of dietary guideline implementation in the Czech Republic. Section Two is devoted to the background and development of the method of idividual risk assessment. Chapter 12 goes into more depth on balic principles, chapter 13 considers the description of procedural scheme of examination methods, incl. clinical part of the examination. Chapter 14 evaluates the results of intervention projects focused on validation risk assessment method and chapter 15 discusses conclusion to health risk assessment and management.... celý text


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