Physiology and neuroscience practicals zajímavosti
Marie Nováková
Medicine in general deals with the diagnostics and treatmen of diseases, i.e. with deviations from health . Therefore the elemntary requirement of medicine is the knowledge of normality. The functional paramters of health are the subject of physiology. Thus, it is a nomative sort of science. It is primarily based on observation and measurement of various phenomena in the animal kingdom under natural conditions. However, the present knowledge is based on observation and measurement under artificial but exactly defined and controlled conditions-on experiments. Physiology as a strictly experimental science puts questions, looks for the methods how to answer them and critically evaluates and interprets the results of them verifies in human beings. The general objectiveof Physiology and Neuroscience Practicals among others is to offer an introductions to scientific way of medical thinking. The student should also acquire some basal skills in handling the insturments, currently employed in medical practice. But above all, the student should be motivated to study the functions from molecules to the whole organism and to comprehend their interrelationships, the very essence of modern medicine.... celý text
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