Videology zajímavosti

Videology 0 0 0

Videology is Louis Armand's broad-ranging critique of realism in film, visual arts and literature. From Nam June Paik's experimental TV to the subversive cinema of Alejandro Jodorowsky, Miike Takashi & Leos Carax; from Naked Lunch to the Cyberfeminist Manifesto; from film noir to the "murder of the Real." This book also addresses the work of David Lynch, Marc Atkins, Christian Louboutin; Philippe Sollers, Anthony Braxton, Robert Smithson; Lettrism; Blade Runner; David Cronenberg, Terry Gilliam; John Waters, Derek Jarman, Peter Greenaway, Ken Russell; Billy Wilder, John Huston, Howard Hawks; Jean-Luc Godard; Dusan Makavejev; Robert Coover, Hunter S. Thompson; William Gibson, Stelarc, Nina Sellars, Shu Lea Cheang, Linda Dement, & Megumi Igarashi.... celý text


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