Dr. Bill Higgins has served as an overseeing elder for Covenant Family Church since 2006. He is a missionary to the Tarascan people in rural Mexico through Westminster Biblical Missions. He also teaches at Seminario Teológico Juan Calvino in Mexico City as a visiting professor. Bill lives on Lookout Mountain in Georgia with his wife Tammy, and is assisting us in this time when we are working to raise-up elders from our own congregation. Dr. Higgins has earned degrees from Covenant College, B.A., and Whitefield Theological Seminary, M.A.T.S., S.T.M., Th.M. and Ph.D. His academic specialties are in the European Reformation and English Puritanism.
Bill Higgins knihy
2006 | Hus drží klíč |
Štítky z knih
křesťanství Jan Hus, 1370-1415 katolická církev husité papežové husitství mučednictví protestantismus mučedníci
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