Emil Rajčan životopis

1937 - 2010


Prof. Emil Rajčan was born in Liptovská Osada on the 29th of March 1937, where he also completed primary education. He continued to study at the Grammar school in Ružomberok, which he finished in 1955. In 1959 he successfully graduatedfromthePedagogicalUniversityinBratislava,wherehestudiedphysics andmathematics.Afterfinishinghisstudy,hewasassignedtoGalantaasateacher ofphysicsandmathematicsatalocalgrammarschool.HemarriedEvaKollerová, and with his wife they had two sons, Rudolf and Emil. In 1963 he became a university teacher at Trnava Department of Physics of the Comenius University. In Trnava, in addition to teaching job he also began his scientific and research activities. In 1972 he joined the Department of Physics at the University of Forestry and Wood Technology in Zvolen, where he worked until his retirement. He brought up several generations of engineers – acousticians, who successfully proved to be competent in practice throughout the whole Czechoslovakia. Some of them corresponded with him for a long time after finishing the university and often consulted their problems they were solving in their jobs. Hisprofessionalcareerwasextremelysuccessful.Heistheauthorofascientific discovery, which in 1982 was only the 24th one since the establishment of the Czechoslovak Republic. The discovery was dedicated to the very short acoustic tones and to the human ear ability to perceive such tones. That discovery later helped and simplified the selection of wood for musical instruments. In his field
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of study, physical acoustics, he also published in the most prestigious, scientific journalsandhewasalsooftencited.HebecamechairmanoftheSlovakAcoustical Society.Thankstothequalityofhiscontributionhewasofteninvitedtotheworld acoustic congresses and he presented his lectures in places such as the USA or Singapore. Duringhisprofessionalgrowth,heobtainedtheCandidateofSciencesdegrees, Doctor of Sciences degree and finally he became a Professor. Prof. Rajčan grew up in Liptov. Thanks to that place and also to his teacher, he spent all his leisure time doing some sport activities, especially skiing. With his teacher and his friend they made together a winter climb to one of the peaks in the Great Fatra Mountain named Rakytov, where they skied afterwards. Music was his other hobby. Even in his infancy, as a self-taught, he played the organ in Liptovská Osada church. During his studies he became a member of the Slovak Philharmonic choir. But his family was always first and foremost in his mind. He supported and encouragedespeciallyhisgrandsonsinstudying,andhealwaystriedtoemphasize the importance of education. He passed away on May 29th, 2010. In our memory we will forever remember him as an excellent expert and a unique friend. (zdroj životopisu: file:///C:/Users/Spravca/AppData/Local/Packages/Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge_8wekyb3d8bbwe/TempState/Downloads/207-400-1-SM.pdf)


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Emil Rajčan - knihy

1975  80%Matematika pre fyzikov

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Učebnice a slovníky Přírodní vědy

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