Marilyn Yalom životopis

americká, 1932 - 2019


Marilyn Yalom grew up in Washington D.C. and was educated at Wellesley College, the Sorbonne, Harvard and Johns Hopkins. She has been married to the psychiatrist Irvin Yalom for fifty years and is the mother of four children and the grandmother of five. She has been a professor of French and comparative literature, director of an institute for research on women, a popular speaker on the lecture circuit, and the author of numerous books and articles on literature and women\'s history.

Curriculum vitae of Marilyn YalomHer books have been translated into 20 languages. In 1991 she was decorated as an Officier des Palmes Académiques by the French Government.

Books by Marilyn Yalom include Maternity, Mortality, and the Literature of Madness (out of print), Blood Sisters : The French Revolution in Women\'s Memory (1993), A History of the Breast (1997), A History of the Wife (2001), Birth of the Chess Queen (2004) and The American Resting Place (2008).
Marilyn Yalom
Institute for Research on Women and Gender
Stanford University
Stanford, Ca, 94305
(415) 723-1994
Biographical sketch of Marilyn Yalom


1963 Ph.d. Comparative Literature, Johns Hopkins University Dissertation: The Myth of the Trial in the Works of Camus and Kafka (With Distinction) Dissertation Director René Girard

1956 M. A. T., French, German, Harvard University

1954 B. A. in French, Wellesley College (Honors in French)

1953 Diplôme de Littérature Contemporaine, University of Paris/Sorbonne (Mention honorable)


1987- Present Senior scholar, Institute for Research on Women and Gender, Stanford University (unsalaried)

1976-1987 Deputy Director, Institute for Research on Women and Gender; Lecturer, Modern Thought and Literature Program, Stanford University

1963-1976 Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Profesor of Foreign Languages, California State University / Hayward

1961-1962 Instructor in French, University of Hawaii


Officier des Palmes Academiques awarded by the French government, 1992

American Council of Learned Societies, Travel grant , 1992, $3000

Residence at Rockefeller Research and Conference Center, Bellagio, Italy, April 1988

California Council for the Humanities, \"Dialogues with Western Women Writers,\" 1980, $10,000 (Principal Investigator)

National Institute of Education, \"Dissemination of Research findings on Women,\" 1979, $18,519 (Co-Investigator)

National Endowmant for the Humanities #EP-28712-78-147, \"The Female Experience: Victorian Heritage,\" 1978-79, $49,953 (Project Director)


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