Rose Elliot životopis

britská, 1945


Rose Elliot je britská autorka vegetariánských kuchařek, která vydala již více než 60 titulů. Její první kniha \"Delicious\" byla vydána již v roce 1967, posledni \"The Best Of Rose Elliot: The Ultimate Vegetarian Collection\" v roce 2014.
Prispívá do různých časopisů a novin. Úspěšně propaguje vegetariáství a měla vlastní sloupek v oblíbeném víkendovém časopisu Guardian s názvem \"Rose Elliot Veggie Bites!. Mnohokrát se objevila i v rozhlase a televizi.

Je patronkou Vegetariánské asociace ve Velké Británii (Vegetarian Society), také VIVA a Vegan Foundation. Podporuje charitativní projekty jako je OXFAM a v roce 1999 byla oceněna Řádem britského impéria. Kromě psaní kuchařek se zajímá také o astrologii a je členem Mezinárodní asociace profesionálních astrologů (International Association for Professional Astrologers). Napsala několik knih zaobírající se astrologií.

Vydane knihy

Simply Delicious, The White Eagle Publishing Trust 1967, Fontana 1977
Not Just a Load of Old Lentils, The White Eagle Publishing Trust 1972, Fontana 1976
Thrifty Fifty, The White Eagle Publishing Trust 1973 (out of print at present, but watch this space!)
Beanfeast, The White Eagle Publishing Trust 1975
The Oxfam Vegetable Cookbook, Oxfam 1975
The Bean Book, Fontana 1979
Vegetarian Dishes of the World, Collins 1981 and published as A Foreign Flavour by Fontana 1981
Your Very Good Health, Fontana,1981
Vegetarian Dishes from Around the World, Pantheon (USA) 1982
Rose Elliot\'s Vegetarian Baby Book, The Vegetarian Society, 1982
Gourmet Vegetarian Cooking, Collins 1982, Fontana 1983
The Festive Vegetarian, Pantheon (USA) 1983
Rose Elliot\'s Book of Vegetables, Fontana 1983
Rose Elliot\'s Book of Salads, Fontana 1983
Rose Elliot\'s Book of Bread, Fontana 1983
Rose Elliot\'s Book of Cakes, Fontana 1984
Rose Elliot\'s Book of Beans and Lentils, Fontana 1984
Rose Elliot\'s Book of Savoury Flans and Pies, Fontana 1984
Rose Elliot\'s Book of Pasta, Fontana 1984
Rose Elliot\'s Vegetarian Mother and Baby Book (revised edition), Fontana 1984
Beanfeast (revised edition), Fontana 1985
The Complete Rose Elliot Cookbook, Collins 1985
The New Vegetarian Cookbook, Octopus 1986
Vegetarian Cookery, Collins 1988
Cheap and Easy, Fontana 1988
The Zodiac Cookbook, Pyramid Books 1989
The Green Age Diet, Fontana 1990
The New Vegetarian Cookbook, Mandarin Books 1990
The Supreme Vegetarian, Fontana 1990
Vegetarian Slimming, Chapmans 1991
The Astrological Almanac 1992, Pan 1991
Kitchen Pharmacy, Chapmans 1991
The Astrological Almanac 1993, Pan 1992
Oxfam Vegetarian Cookbook, Ebury 1992
Vegetarian Christmas, Collins 1992
Rose Elliot\'s Vegetarian Four Seasons, HarperCollins 1993
Life Cycles, PanMacMillan 1993
The Classic Vegetarian Cookbook, Dorling Kindersley 1994
Rose Elliot\'s Vegetarian Fast Food, HarperCollins 1994
Quick and Easy Vegetarian Cooking, Sainsbury’s 1994
Vegetarian Cooking for One and Two, Sainsbury’s 1994
Oxfam Children’s Vegetarian Cookbook, Ebury 1995
Rose Elliot\'s Mother, Baby and Toddler Book (revised edition), HarperCollins 1996
Vegetarian Cookery (revised edition), HarperCollins 1996
Vegan Feasts, Thorsons 1997
Learning to Cook Vegetarian, Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1998
Vegetarian Barbecues and Grills, HarperCollins 1999
Low Fat, Low Sugar, Thorsons 2000
Vegetarian Express, Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2000
Take Five, Weidenfeld & Nicolson 2001
Fast, Fresh and Fabulous, BBC Books 2003
Rose Elliot\'s Mother, Baby and Toddler Book (revised edition), Hochland Communications 2003
Forget the Lentils, Little Books 2003
Mediterranean Feasts, Little Books 2004
Rose Elliot’s Pasta Pocketbook, Little Books 2004
Vegetarian Supercook, Hamlyn 2004
The Vegetarian Low-Carb Diet, Piatkus 2005
Vegetarian Low-Carb Diet Cookbook, Piatkus 2006
Veggie Chic, Hamlyn 2006 and published as Sumptuous Suppers by Hamlyn
Life Cycles (revised edition), Polair Publishing 2008 (zdroj životopisu:


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Rose Elliot knihy

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Elliot je 0x v oblíbených.
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