Matka Země diskuze

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Monumentální dílo o svazku člověka z přírodou.Jehoš hrdina Izák žije v idylickém svazku s přírodou:svět člověka a přírodu zde váže absolutní,mystické pouto.Za dané dílo obdržel autor Nobelovu cenu za literaturu 1920

Literatura světová Romány
Vydáno: , Alois Srdce
Originální název:

Markens Grøde, 1917

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15.04.2017 5 z 5

Proslov při udílení Nobelovy ceny za literaturu roku 1920 Knutu Hamsunovi za Matku zemi (anglicky):

... These and other quite human projections, far from weakening, reinforce the impression produced by the classic content of the story. They dissipate the apprehension one could feel in seeing the light of the ideal at the expense of truth; they guarantee the sincerity of the design, the truth of the images and the characters. Their common humanity escapes no one. The proof is in the welcome this work has found among peoples of different mentalities, languages, and customs. Furthermore, through the light touch of smiling humour with which the author treats even the saddest things he relates, he has proved his own compassion for human destiny and human nature. But in the story, he never departs from the most complete artistic serenity. The style, stripped of vain ornaments, renders the reality of things with certainty and clarity, and one rediscovers in it, under a personal and powerful form, all the richness of nuance of the writer's mother tongue. ...