The Book of Amuwapi hodnocení

The Book of Amuwapi 5 2 2

Tato kniha byla vydána českým nakladatelstvím Twisted Spoon Press, které sídlí v Praze a vydává díla českých a slovanských autorů v anglickém jazyce. Oficiální anotace nakladatele: Amuwapi is the name of a prehistoric god, who lives alone in the Palace of the Moon and weeps ceaselessly. He is associated with tears, with writing, with the sundial, with menstruation, and with a human sacrifice cult which has left traces in the civilizations of the dawn of history — in Sumer, in the Indus Valley, in Egypt, and in ancient China, for instance. It is suggested, though, that the origins of the cult may lie much further back in prehistory. The Book of Amuwapi is a collection of documents from various civilizations and periods associated in some way with the cult of Amuwapi, varying from the legal documents of lost civilizations to Javanese folk tales. Intertwined with this reconstruction of the Amuwapi cult is the story of the catfish, who meets Amuwapi at the beginning of the book and is advised by him to carry out a search for Love. Artwork by Petr Nikl.... celý text

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Hodnocení knihy The Book of Amuwapi: 100 %
Počet hvězdičkových hodnocení: 2

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Autorovy další knížky

Christopher Lord
anglická, 1958
1999  100%Amuwapiho kniha
1999  100%Politika