Twisted Spoon Press knihy
nakladatelství, značky
Twisted Spoon Press je nakladatelství v Praze, které od roku 1992 vydává v anglicky mluvících zemí světa vybrané tituly mimo jiné i z české literatury devatenáctého až jedenadvacátého století.... celý text
Responses / Kafka's Prague
A Postmortem Dream
Woman in the Plural
Last Loosening: A Handbook for the Con Artist & Those Aspiring to Become One
Edition 69: Three Texts of the Czech Avant-Garde
A User's Manual / Návod k upotřebení
The Tender Barbarian
Markéta Lazarová
The Absolute Gravedigger
A Gothic Soul
Miruna, A Tale
The Legs of Izolda Morgan: Selected Writings
I Burn Paris
A Bouquet of Czech Folktales
The New Moscow Philosophy
Glorious Nemesis
Primeval and Other Times
Of Kids & Parents
The Passive Vampire
Aquamarine: Final Tales of the Revolution
Wolf at the Door: A Novel
Blaugast: A Novel of Decline
Waiting for the Dog to Sleep
I, City
Boys & Murderers: Collected Short Fiction
Valerie and Her Week of Wonders: A Gothic Novel
Time Is a Mid-Night Scream: Fragments from the 1990s
The Quorum
Out of Oneself: Two Novellas
May / Máj (dvojjazyčná kniha)
Hymns to Millionaires
Edition 69: Two Texts of the Czech Avant-Garde
Tales of Galicia
Signs & Symptoms
Second-Hand Souls: Selected Writing
The Transformations of Mr. Hadlíz