Twisted Spoon Press knihy

nakladatelství, značky

Twisted Spoon Press je nakladatelství v Praze, které od roku 1992 vydává v anglicky mluvících zemí světa vybrané tituly mimo jiné i z české literatury devatenáctého až jedenadvacátého století.... celý text

The Maimed
The Maimed
Letters from Prison
Letters from Prison
Dancing Embers
Dancing Embers
Junkie Love
Junkie Love
Farewells to Plasma
Farewells to Plasma
A Ballad for Metka Krašovec
A Ballad for Metka Krašovec
The Sufferings of Prince Sternenhoch: A Grotesque Romanetto
The Sufferings of Prince Sternenhoch: A Grotesque Romanetto
The Book of Amuwapi
The Book of Amuwapi
Baradla Cave
Baradla Cave
A Lovely Tale of Photography: A Film Novella
A Lovely Tale of Photography: A Film Novella
Dreams at the End of the Night
Dreams at the End of the Night
Total Fears: Selected Letters to Dubenka
Total Fears: Selected Letters to Dubenka
Alterity: Poems without Tom Raworth
Alterity: Poems without Tom Raworth
Hidden History
Hidden History
A Country Doctor: 14 short stories
A Country Doctor: 14 short stories
A Hunger Artist: 4 short stories
A Hunger Artist: 4 short stories
Contemplation: 18 short stories
Contemplation: 18 short stories
The Arsonist
The Arsonist
Others' Paradise: Tales of Old Prague
Others' Paradise: Tales of Old Prague
The Diary of Mr. Pinke
The Diary of Mr. Pinke
Severin's Journey into the Dark: A Prague Ghost Story
Severin's Journey into the Dark: A Prague Ghost Story
The Doll
The Doll