Kuri profil

Alena Vladařová
žena · statistiky
Nové knihy v seznamech
Kdo jsem
Rozečteno Webtoon:
Bastard - 8/10?
School bus graveyard - 10/10?
TACIT - 7/10?
The guy upstairs - 8/10?
The D!ckheads - 9/10?
Rebirth - 8/10?
Return - 10/10?
The Interpretation of Shadows - 10/10?
Soul path - 7/10?
CRUSH3D!! - 8/10?
Project Novos - 9/10?
Java bonds - 10/10?
Omniscient Reader - 8/10?
Jungle Juice - 8/10?
It Strikes a Chord - 9/10?
Homesick - 8/10?
Gates of Hell - 6/10
Escape room - 8/10
Sweet Home - 9/10
Shotgun boy - 8/10
SAVE ME - 6/10
The Blood of the Butterfly - 9/10

The sun and the star - 4/5 není nejlepší knížka ze světa Percyho Jacksona, ale i tak skvělá.

Foxhole court - 4/5
The Raven king - 4.5/5
The Kings man - 5/5
The sunshine court - 5/5
Percy Jackson is life <3