Christine Petit životopis

francouzská, 1969


Christine Petit (* 21. července 1969) je fotografka francouzského původu. Dříve žila v Berlíně, v současnosti žije a pracuje ve městě Farmington v Connecticutu, kde vlastní studio Le Petit Studio. Jako fotografka je velice všestranná, její tvorba zahrnuje od ryze uměleckých snímků přes pasové fotografie až po design webových stránek.

I do both personal portraits as well as business photography. I have a marketing background and enjoy working B2B, especially with cause-related organizations. Personal Branding images for people looking for a great online representation of themselves or their company is my specialty.

We also offer solutions for in-office employee head shots, interior/exterior architectural photos, product shots, artwork, website photos, custom designs of marketing ads and more.

I enjoy taking portraits that show the best of people, and the best in them. I do my best work with women and children, especially in candid situations. This also is what helps me capture emotional expression in event situations.

I take photos all the time, every day. It makes me happy. I enjoy recording the world around me, sharing its beauty with others.

I am blessed to be in a field that I love, one which allows me the opportunity to take part in so many positive things. I hope to share that state of mind through my work. (zdroj životopisu:


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Christine Petit - knihy

2001  0%Xtine Petit

Žánry autora

Obrazové publikace Umění

Štítky z knih

černobílé fotografie

Petit je 0x v oblíbených.
Osobní web autora

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