BUBO26 BUBO26 diskuze u knih

Telesná výchova Telesná výchova Martin Šimečka

Hip-hopová skupina Modré Hory vydala pieseň a klip s Martinom Šimečkom, kde ústrednou témou je beh (Bene a Lyrik sú vášnivý bežci) a M.M.Šimečka v nej predčíta úryvky zo svojej knihy.


Ubavit se k smrti Ubavit se k smrti Neil Postman

,,Orwell se obával těch, kteří by zakázali knihy. Huxley se obával, že by nebyl důvod knihy zakazovat, protože by nebyl nikdo, kdo by chtěl nějakou číst.
Orwell se obával těch, kteří by nám odpírali informace. Huxley se obával těch, kteří by nám jich dali tolik, že by nás uvrhli do pasivity a egoismu.
Orwell se obával toho, že by byla pravda před námi skryta. Huxley se obával toho, že by pravda utonula v moři bezvýznamnosti."
Neil Postman - Amusing Ourselves to Death (1985)

17.12.2020 3 z 5

Atlasova vzpoura Atlasova vzpoura Ayn Rand (p)

Took me three months to read this book. I put it down three times and had a hard time to return to it. There is a lot of to say about this book and most of it was said. So just a few of my observations:
I think you can have a perfect characteristic of her by reading this book. She hates people, she doesn't trust them and she thinks she's better than everyone else. Also, she hates men and sex.
Like yes, it's kinda good book, but it's unnecessary long. Do you want to have the leitmotiv of her philosophy and this book? Just read last 60 pages (the broadcast of John Galt) and you’ll get the spirit. And, most important, you’ll save some time.
This is a criticism of socialism. But it’s socialism pushed so much to the extreme, that it can’t be applied to reality. Majority of her population is incompetent men who I wouldn’t let to fix my plumb. Is it corresponding with a reality? Don’t think so.
There are a lot of great sentences in this book. Lot of great pages. But her philosophy, her book as a whole (as I think) is not great. She’s failing to follow her own advice: ”Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises.”

09.11.2018 3 z 5