Sparkling profil


1994 · žena · Plzeňský kraj · statistiky

Aktivní: včera v 19:56 (poprvé 18.05.2010)
Palce za komentáře: 476 · 187 ostatním
Hodnocení v bazaru: 43/1

Odznaky 14 ze 72


Nové knihy v seznamech

Guadalupe Nettel
Jan Blažej Santini a svět jeho architektury
Jan Blažej Santini a svět j...
Jiří Kroupa
Dr. Alz
Dr. Alz
Miloš Urban
Oceán mimo zákon
Oceán mimo zákon
Ian Urbina

Kdo jsem

"Real books must be children not of broad daylight and small-talk but of darkness and silence."
- Marcel Proust

"Reality can only be grasped indirectly — seen reflected in a mirror, staged in the theatre of the mind."
- Susan Sontag

"I'm trying to get the four dimensions of the mind… Life in connection with emotions from literature. A days walk — a minds adventure; something like that."
- Virginia Woolf

"The artist must at all times follow his instinct, which makes art the most real thing, the most austere school in life and the true last judgment."
- Marcel Proust

"Its not catastrophes, murders, deaths, diseases, that age and kill us; its the way people look and laugh, and run up the steps of omnibuses."
- Virginia Woolf

"For she had come to feel that it was the only thing worth saying - what one felt. Cleverness was silly. One must say simply what one felt."
- Virginia Woolf