záškodník profil



Aktivní: 27.01.2025 v 19:02 (poprvé 27.10.2019)
Palce za komentáře: 81 · 9 ostatním
Hodnocení v bazaru: 1/0

Odznaky 4 ze 72


Nové knihy v seznamech

Na východ od ráje
Na východ od ráje
John Steinbeck
Tajná historie
Tajná historie
Donna Tartt
Hrozny hněvu
Hrozny hněvu
John Steinbeck
Piko: Junkies' lives matter: Na životech feťáků záleží
Piko: Junkies' lives matter...
Pavel Šplíchal

Kdo jsem

Seznam cizojazyčné literatury (chystám se číst):

- An Introduction to Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Skills and Applications (Westbrook)
- Reaching Down the Rabbit Hole: Extraordinary Journeys into the Human Brain by Dr Allan Ropper and Brian David Burrell
- Elephants on Acid: And Other Bizarre Experiments by Alex Boese
- The Happiness Hypothesis by Jonathan Haidt
- The Private Life of the Brain by Susan Greenfield
- The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil by Philip Zimbardo
- Madness Explained: Psychosis and Human Nature by Richard P. Bentall
- Bad Science by Ben Goldacre
Neuropsychological Assessment, by Muriel Deutsch Lezak
- Pioneers of Psychology, by Raymond E Fancher & Alexandra Rutherford
- Career Paths in Psychology: Where Your Degree Can Take You by Robert J. Sternberg
- Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Cant Stop Talking by Susan Cain
- The Social Animal by Elliot Aronson
- The Presenting Past by Michael Jacobs
- What Therapists Don't Talk About and Why by Pope
- Remnants of Auschwitz (Agamben)

Ernest Becker - The Denial of Death, Escape from Evil
Cultish by Amanda Montell

Chybějící literatura (přečteno):

BA in Philosophy And Psychology Reading List (2021-2024):
Theories of Personality - Feist (2021/2022)
Autobiography of Malcolm X - Alex Haley and Malcolm X (2022 - únor)
The Big Questions - Robert B. Salomon (2021/2022)
Can't Hurt Me - David Goggins (2022 - leden)
The Rationalists by John Cottingham (2022-březen)
Biological Psychology by James W. Kalat (10/2022-leden)
The Skilled Helper - A Client-Centered Approach by G. Egan (10/2022-únor)
The Blackwell Guide to Continental Philosophy (2022 - květen)
Cognition, Exploring the Science of the Mind by D. Reisberg (2/2023 - 5/2023)
Abnormal Psychology by A. Kring (2/2023 - 6/2023)
Theories of Democratic State - Dryzek
The Sublime Object of Ideology - Žižek

Higher Diploma in Psychology Reading List (2024-2025):
Dryden's Handbook of Individual Therapy (10/2024 - ?)
Research Methods and Statistics in Psychology by Cooligan (10/2024 - ?)
Introduction to Forensic and Criminal Psychology by Howitt (10/2024 - ?)
Psychology of Criminal Conduct; Theory, Research and Practice by Blackburn (10/2024 - ?)
The Psychology of Criminal Conduct by Bonta and Andrews (10/2024 - ?)

V mém úmyslu je pouze udržovat si záznam mé literární poutě skrz svět slova velkých autorů.