Primeval and Other Times podobné

Primeval and Other Times 5 195 195

Tato kniha byla vydána českým nakladatelstvím Twisted Spoon Press, které sídlí v Praze a vydává díla českých a slovanských autorů v anglickém jazyce. Oficiální anotace nakladatele: Set in the mythical Polish village of Primeval, a microcosm of the world guarded by four archangels and populated by eccentric, archetypal characters, the novel chronicles the lives of the inhabitants over the course of the feral 20th century in prose that is forceful, direct, and the stylistic cousin of the magic realism in Gabriel García Márquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude. Told in short bursts of “Time,” the narrative takes the form of a stylized fable, an epic allegory about the inexorable grind of time and the clash between modernity and nature in which Poland’s tortured political history from 1914 to the 1980s is played out amid the episodic brutality visited on ordinary village life. Yet Primeval and Other Times is a novel of universal dimension that does not dwell on the parochial and it established eventual Nobel Laureate Tokarczuk as one of the leading Polish and European writers. Awarded the Koscielski Foundation Prize in 1997, Primeval has been translated into many languages and hailed as a contemporary classic of world literature. Tokarczuk has said of the novel: “I always wanted to write a book such as this. One that creates and describes a world. It is the story of a world that, like all things living, is born, develops, and then dies.” Kitchens, bedrooms, childhood memories, dreams and insomnia, reminiscences, and amnesia — these are part of the existential and acoustic spaces from which the voices of Tokarczuk's tale come, her “boxes in boxes.” Tokarczuk is the 2018 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature.... celý text

Literatura světová Romány
Vydáno: , Twisted Spoon Press
Originální název:

Prawiek i inne czasy, 1996

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